Wooden Canoe, Kayak and Small Boat Kits and Plans
Dear Boat Builders,
Life has changed a lot since we downsized to this little village on the Rideau Canal in 2018. We have navigated a pandemic and the challenges of growing even older—yikes, who knew that was going to happen?
We have made some important changes to our business recently:
- Order fulfillment of Bear Mountain plans and building materials are now being handled by Noah’s Marine in Toronto. Jason and his crew are happy to continue the Bear Mountain tradition. Of course I am available to help with advice and support.Â
- The sprint racing canoes Ted has supplied to clubs throughout Canada for over 40 years are now being built by our talented friend John Hendren in his Peterborough workshop. Jon has completed two C15s this season. Now over the pandemic hump, the sprint clubs are bringing boats in for repair and placing orders, and are happy with John’s work.Â
- Our electric fantail launch, Sparks, is now in storage at Sirens Boatworks in Merrickville, ON further upriver from Westport on the Rideau canal. We are no longer able to use her so Andrew Lee and crew will introduce her to prospective buyers. If you know of someone who would enjoy cruising in quiet elegance in Ted’s most significant creation please let us know.
- Although Ted’s health has been a challenge he still works in his small home workshop as he can. He built the prototypes for our new dragon boat trainer the Dragonfly, and maintains our family boats.

We are grateful for our friends in the boat building community who continue to support our small business and inspire us by sharing pictures and stories of the boats they have built. Please keep sending your stories and pictures to us. We appreciate being part of your adventure. We are available for help and support at: joan@bearmountainboats.com
With our best wishes for happy times ahead,
Joan and Ted

Joan Barrett and Ted Moores have been helping people build their own canoes, kayaks and small boats for 45 years. Lessons learned in the Bear Mountain workshop have been passed on to hobby builders through their how-to books, including the classic resource Canoecraft, as well as in classes and online forums.
From high quality cedar strips and building materials, to complete canoe kits and canoe plans, Bear Mountain Boats can provide you with everything necessary to build your own beautiful wooden craft using the woodstrip epoxy method.
Bear Mountain Boats also produces 30' Canadian sprint racing canoes, builds one-off custom boats including the electric fantail launch Sparks, and has restored historically significant watercraft.Â
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